Bat Removal

Serving NE Indiana

Have you found a bat in your living space?  

Have you heard scratching sounds in your walls, or found unknown droppings in your attic?  

Do you see bats flying around outside your home at night?  
If so, you may have an entire colony of bats living in your home. 

Mole Control LLC offers safe and effective bat eviction.  Once we get rid of all of the bats in your home, we can clean up their mess and bat-proof the entire outside of your home so that the bats cannot get back in.



We never use poisons or chemicals that could be potentially dangerous to people and pets, we use only traps that are safe and effective. No bats are harmed during our bat eviction process.

Mole Control LLC offers safe and effective bat eviction.  Once we get rid of all of the bats in your home, we can clean up their mess and bat-proof the entire outside of your home so that the bats cannot get back in.



Our bat removal process is extremely thorough and will give you the piece of mind knowing that the bats have been removed from your home and that the entire outside of your home is sealed up to make sure no bats can return. We can also remove the bat droppings and waste from your attic area.  


Effective bat removal involves locating and sealing secondary entry points first, then evicting the bats from the main entry/exit and finally, repairing the main entry area to help prevent future infestations. We can provide expert repair to existing entry points and perform the work needed to deter bats from entering your home again.




Bats are great for the environment and provide mosquito and insect control around your property, but they can wreak havoc on your home and potentially pose a serious health risk with Rabies and Histoplasmosis.

People or animals that have been bitten by a bat should be treated by a physician or veterinarian to check for rabies. If possible, the bat in question should be collected and tested. Don’t ever handle bats, even if they appear healthy.

Histoplasmosis is an infection that occurs from breathing in fungal spores found in bat guano (bat droppings). When bats congregate unchecked in your attic, in your basement, or inside of your walls, they can produce large amounts of unhealthy waste. This is why having a professional perform removal and clean up is crucial.


What happens if one is bitten by a bat?

People or animals that have been bitten by a bat should be treated by a physician or veterinarian to test for rabies. If possible, the bat in question should be collected and tested. Don’t ever handle bats, even if they appear healthy.

Can one get sick from breathing in bat droppings?

Yes, it is possible. An infection, Histoplasmosis, can occur from breathing in fungal spores found in bat guano (bat droppings).